Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy New Year!

I shall be busy busy!!!
I got LOTs of paper, pens, pencils and stuffs for x'mas!

and I have MANY new adventures to create,
So I will do my bestest to keep you updated with teasers from time to time but "There's Work to be Done!"

I hope ALL your Holidays have been as Exciting, Entertaining, and Loving as mine

My Earthquake and Disaster Reports will continue, although don't be expecting me to cover ALL events because there are ALOT, but I do encourage you to follow the links at the bottom of the Reports Page and check out all the fun monitors, and ADD MORE!

If you have a wicked site that you think would be beneficial to our reports
Send me a Message! Or leave it in the Comment box!

We're all on this Planet together,

Sweetie & Pod

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas EVE 2012!

well... I hope you are ready... cause we have officially run out of time to prepare for X'mas!

I hope you all are checking your lists again today to make sure you haven't forgotten anybody!
*hint * hint

I will continue to add to the 'Reports' page throughout the holidays... but only if they are mentionable :)

I wish you all Peace and Happiness, Love, Laughter, and LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!!!

Merry Ho Ho!!


Friday, December 21, 2012

I survived the Winter Solctice!

well... I'm here, you're here... I checked and my Furrie's are all here...

lol better get some shopping done!!!

What did YOU do for this year's Apocalypse?

Did you flock to a pyramid or mountain somewhere waiting for  the Mother Ship?
Did you tell you're family and friends you love them?
Did you empty your 401K and throw a Partay for the End of Time?

Tell me... did you buy my christmas present yet???

reporting to you from Earth, yes, we are still here :)

"Sweetie" 2012

oh YA!!!
My Shout Out!!!

United States

muwah! Muwah! MUWAH!!!!!!

love love love love love

I am continuing to watch the rise of Earth Changes here on our Planet, if any big Destructive stuff's happen I'll be sure to post something here for all you wonderful brains :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


I know I haven't been up on my ranting lately...

Between the first snowfall, and my scramble to have a One sided snowball fight on unsuspecting Dogwalkers, the launch of my new Calendar, and other products, travelling for appearances, and figuring my way around the 'Twitterverse', I'm POOPED!

But sleep is a waste of Productive Time, and I do my best work when Insomnia and I are good buddies :)

So the pace will be picking up here real quick!

Stay Tooned!!!!!

"Sweetie" 2012
Having one of Those Days

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Calendars ARE available!


....and Pod.
It's not too late to order your Calendar!
Great for gifts and stocking stuffers!

Running from Dec. 2012 all the way to January 2014!

order yours on the right hand side of your screen
and enjoy us ALL YEAR ROUND!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Social Marketing Promotion!

Would YOU like a photo done with me and Pod?!
This is your last chance to get in on this FREE promo!!!

click here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ARE Redhead's more Temper~Mental???

I didn't think it was the copper-top that made me so... Unique. 

My Finding's for the day ~ Redhead's vs History  Not Fair

  1. Approximately 1-2% of humans, or about two in 100 people in the world, have red hair.j
  2. The ancient Greeks believed that redheads would turn into vampires after they died
  3.  Red hair is a recessive trait, which means that a child must inherit one red hair gene from each parent. Recessive traits often come in pairs, and redheads are more likely than other people to be left handed.
  4. “Gingerphobia” is a fear of redheads. “Gingerism” is the bullying or prejudice of redheads.i
  1. Some scholars postulate that the same gene mutation that causes red hair also affects the way redheads respond to pain and anesthetics.a
  2. In Egypt, redheads were buried alive as sacrifices to the god Osiris.i

...and more fun/disturbing facts about gingers if you follow the link


blah.. blah... blah....
yadda, yadda.....
 all the stuff that needs to be said, but is too boring to post here


Monday, September 3, 2012

Alberta Bound!

Join us also on the night of Oct. 18th for Crip Tease: An Evening of Irreverent Art (Look at the Crip Tease Event page on Facebook ) (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Summa is Ova!

Woo HOO! 'bout time... I woke up this morning with a chill in the air!
I'm taking that as a positive sign that Fall is beginning...


I'm running out of TIME!!! Forget Winter Antics..... I need to plan for The Bestest Night of the Year!!!

I want to know what YOUR plans are for this October 31st:

  • Costume ideas?
  • Favorite Tricks or Treats?
  • Festivities that are AWESOME???

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Notes to Self...

Sitting here in my Polka-dotted robe, enjoying the Morning shade... "OH WHEN WILL SUMMER BE OVER??!!!" I've had quite enough of hiding.

  • Must remember to stock up on Super-soakers before they put them away for the season, and find that gallon of Fake Blood...
  • Find someone willing to drive me around the city so I can shoot unsuspecting humans with said liquids, especially if they are wearing WHITE.
  • Find the Halloween Outlet Store to hopefully find more fun supplies...
  • Compile a list of obnoxious activities to take part in for the next "Honourary Leap Day" (Feb.28.2013)
  • Write a letter to Coppertone, stating that SPF 30 doesn't do a thing! WHERE IS SPF 1,000,000?!!!
  • Find something to wear for my Intro. at the Conference this October... Note to self: get a new crinoline petticoat.....
  • ..... suggestions???

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


some new stuffs...


"Making Friends" 

"Freckle Season"

"Sweetie: Findings"

Written and Illustrated by Tiffanee J.A.Griffiths

"...Old Widow May had instructed her “NEVER to play with fire! It’s dangerous!” but when Sweetie skipped through the door, she screeched to a stop in the middle of the parlour. Blinking vacantly while the wheels in her mischievous brain were turning…

“I’m not technically playing with fire if I just HOLD the wick over the candle… I mean ‘Ol May was the one who LIT the candle anyways….” And before she could think any farther down the path of consequences… she tore into the box and held the wicks of the Strawberry Solar Storm Fireworks, all five of them, over the dancing flame of the candle on the parlour Tea Table…

“Sweetie?? I saw you running! Are you okay??!” and just as Old Widow May walked in through the side kitchen door, the parlour blew to pieces… "
excerpt from: "Sweetie: Finding's"
written by: Tiffanee J.A. Griffiths

Publication: T.B.A.

Sweetie & Pod Social Networking Promotion!

Now taking submissions for

The "S&P" social networking

marketing promo!

Please review all of the submission guidelines prior to sending photos. For questions regarding the project, contact Ruth J.Clark at or for
questions about photo reproduction requirements and Media Kit Requests contact
Tiffanee Griffiths at
***Details on the dates off the “Sweetie & Pod” Social Network wave, will be emailed to accepted recipients.
Fb cover banner

go to Tha Link List for more information and submission guidelines